Config = {}
Config['Settings'] = {
Core = 'qb-core', -- Core Export
MenuText = 'Police Hub', -- Header Menu Text in Officers List
UIColor = '#1998bd',
NuiKey = 'F11', -- Nui Button (Your can change it on game)
OfficerPoints = 'officalrep', -- Officers Meatadata Points if you dont have add in qb-core/server/player.lua
Command = 'phub', -- Open Command
BossGrade = 10, -- Grade 10 and upper can update wings
AmbulanceJob = 'ambulance', -- Ambulance Job Name
PoliceWebsite = '', -- Your server police website or officers table
SpeedType = 'KMH', -- KMH/MPH
TabletAnim = true, -- Tablet prop when the officer open dashboard
StreetMouse = false, -- Shows the street name when you place the mouse on any point of the map
PoliceJobs = {
['police'] = true,
['sheriff'] = false,
-- Exports & Events
OpenMdtEvent = 'mdt:client:openmetdash', -- Open MDT Event (client)
JoinRadioEvent = 'l2s-policehub:client:JoinChannel', -- Join radio frequency event (client) args : channel number
ActivePriorityEvent = 'l2s-radialmenu:Server:startPrio',-- Active Priority Event (Server) args : time
StopPriorityEvent = 'l2s-radialmenu:Server:stopPrio', -- Stop Priority Event (Server)
FireShotAlert = true, -- Toggle Auto fire shot alerts
Config['WebHooks'] = {
['ScreenShots'] = '',
['FlagPlate'] = '',
['OfficerActions'] = '',
['GlobalActions'] = '',
['Wings'] = '',
Config['Notifications'] = { -- Script Notifications
[1] = 'The location is placed on the map',
[2] = "The officer doesn't have a body cam",
[3] = 'The officer removed the body cam',
[4] = 'The officer is not connected to any channel',
[5] = 'You Dont Have a Radio',
[6] = 'this command is only for police',
[7] = 'You cant see yourself',
[8] = 'you cant send msg to yourself',
[9] = 'you cant join your self channel',
[10] = 'The officer is watching another officer',
[11] = 'Your spectating another officer',
[12] = 'Break duty activated',
[13] = 'Break duty deactivated',
[14] = 'Busy duty activated',
[15] = 'Busy duty deactivated',
[16] = 'vehicle is already flagged',
[17] = 'Your are now on duty',
[18] = 'Your are now off duty',
[19] = 'Dispatcher Mode : On',
[20] = 'Dispatcher Mode : Off',
Config['WaitTimeout'] = { -- For only development Depends on the strength of your server and the number of players || DONT TOuch if you dont know what is this
Normal = 11000, -- Wait Time if the player
Opeaned = 7000, -- Wait Time if player opeand list or dashboard
ToOneOfficer = 200, -- its add time out to oneofficer
Config['Wings'] = { -- Officers Wings
[1] = {
name = 'Air-1',
shortname = 'AIR',
image = '',
ifhave = false,
--- ... and more
-- Groups : station, bank, store, speedcam, gunstores, others
-- Colors : green, blue, red, pink, purple, fst8, gray, black, aqua, orange, yellow
Config.SecurityCameras = { -- All Cams
[1] = { -- Area 1
name = 'Pacific Bank', -- Area Name
color = 'fst8', -- Area Color
tab = 'bank', -- Area Group
x = 244.94984436035, y = 226.16044616699, z = 109.7971572876, -- Area Coords
cams = { -- Area Cams
[1] = {label = "#1", x = 244.94984436035, y = 226.16044616699, z = 109.7971572876, r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 256.05}, canRotate = true, isOnline = true},
[2] = {label = "#2", x = 232.86, y = 221.46, z = 107.83, r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = -140.91}, canRotate = true, isOnline = true},
[3] = {label = "#3", x = 253.98440551758, y = 222.27117919922, z = 98.158882141113, r = {x = -21.0, y = 0.0, z = 251.87}, canRotate = true, isOnline = true},
[4] = {label = "#4", x = 253.98440551758, y = 222.27117919922, z = 98.158882141113, r = {x = -21.0, y = 0.0, z = 66.87}, canRotate = true, isOnline = true},
[5] = {label = "#5", x = 227.95289611816, y = 236.08137512207, z = 98.7, r = {x = -35.0, y = 0.0, z = 208.99}, canRotate = true, isOnline = true},
[2] = {
name = 'Paleto Bank',
color = 'fst8',
tab = 'bank',
x = -102.37850189209, y = 6475.5400390625, z = 32.739533233643,
cams = {
[1] = {label = "#1", x = -102.37850189209, y = 6475.5400390625, z = 32.739533233643, r = {x = -12.0, y = 0.0, z = 171.96}, canRotate = true, isOnline = true},
[2] = {label = "#2", x = -100.22701263428, y = 6465.3413085938, z = 33.20520401001, r = {x = -23.0, y = 0.0, z = 89.46}, canRotate = true, isOnline = true},
[3] = {label = "#3", x = -95.36735534668, y = 6461.1240234375, z = 32.825965881348, r = {x = -23.0, y = 0.0, z = 86.46}, canRotate = true, isOnline = true},
[3] = {
name = 'Union Bank',
color = 'fst8',
tab = 'bank',
x = -11.390551567078, y = -697.37561035156, z = 17.531019592285,
cams = {
[1] = {label = "#1", x = -11.390551567078, y = -697.37561035156, z = 17.531019592285, r = {x = -12.0, y = 0.0, z = 320.1220703125}, canRotate = true, isOnline = true},
[2] = {label = "#2", x = -1.5615615844727, y = -681.14703369141, z = 17.531019592285, r = {x = -23.0, y = 0.0, z = 333.25225830078}, canRotate = true, isOnline = true},
[3] = {label = "#3", x = 10.284967422485, y = -672.3681640625, z = 17.531019592285, r = {x = -23.0, y = 0.0, z = 33.473114013672}, canRotate = true, isOnline = true},
--- .... and more
Config.Radars = {} -- Dont Touch