
# STEP 1 - Check dependencies

Make sure you have installed all dependencies .

# STEP 2 - Drag And Drop

  1. Download your resource from FiveM’s Keymaster.

  2. Unzip the l2s-dispatch.zip & l2s-dispatch_blips.zip (Optional) folder and place this folder in your server's resource folder.

  3. Add the resource to your server configuration file (server.cfg): ensure l2s-dispatch & ensure l2s-dispatch_blips. If you're using a framework, make sure to place it below the framework resource (e.g., qb-core) and not above it.

ensure qb-core // for qb-core only
ensure es_extended // for ESX only
ensure l2s-dispatch
ensure l2s-dispatch_blips // Optional (Working only with l2s-dispatch)

# STEP 3 - SQL Database

Insert the SQL file to your database (Database.sql).

ESX SQL is different from QBCore SQL

# STEP 4 - SetUp Metadata (QBCore Only)

If you have the last version of qb-core and (your metadata in config.lua) copy paste the code in this path:


        l2s_dispatch = {
            busy = false,
            dispatch = false,
            callsign = '000',

# STEP 5 - Setup Items and Images

1- Setup Item according to your inventory (if not exist)

Add Item in qb-core/shared/items.lua

["bodycam"] = {
    ["name"] = "bodycam",
    ["label"] = "Body Cam",
    ["weight"] = 500,
    ["type"] = "item",
    ["image"] = "bodycam.png",
    ["unique"] = true,
    ["useable"] = false,
    ["shouldClose"] = false,
    ["combinable"] = nil,
    ["description"] = "A wearable camera designed for recording first-person footage. Used for gathering evidence or monitoring activities in real"

2- Setup item Image according to your inventory

# STEP 6 - Configure API Keys in sh_api

For more information, a special page has been created to explain each part of it


# STEP 7 - Dispatch Blips (Optional)

Only if you use l2s-dispatch_blips (Coming free with script), you'll need to disable it to enable the built-in player blips feature; otherwise, they may interfere with each other.

Comment this code in qb-policejob/server/main.lua line ~249

    while true do

Last updated