Radio Channel
We use radio channels to let players view which channels others are on and allow them to quickly join channels via the unit list or dashboard.
You must use a VOIP and radio resource. This script supports compatibility with Tokovoip, Mumble, Saltychat, and PMAVoice by default... But you must make some additions to update your radio channel in the list.
Linking Units List with Your Voice System (Full Ready for PMA-VOICE)
To ensure your dispatch units list updates properly when a player changes radio channels, you need to add the following event after any channel change or radialmenu functions:
How to Change Radio Resource Names?
If you want to rename the radio resources or adjust integration settings, navigate to:
Edit the resource names or customize the logic for handling radio channels based on your preferred voice system.
Getting the Initial Value for the Radio Channel (Full Ready for PMA-VOICE)
You can use the following function to link other voice scripts :
Last updated