Shared.JobsHub = {
['POLICE'] = {
Title = Lang('Police_Title'), -- Title for the Police section in the hub
Dashboard = {
CCTV = true, -- CCTV in Map
Bodycams = true, -- Bodycam Button
Bolo = true, -- BOLO Page
Units = true, -- Units In UI Map
Archives = true, -- Archive Page
Chat = true, -- Chat Page
Jobs = { -- Jobs accessible within the Police hub
['police'] = Lang('LSPD_Section'), -- LSPD Section Job
['sheriff'] = Lang('Sheriff_Section'), -- Sheriff Section Job
['EMS'] = {
Title = Lang('EMS_Title'), -- Title for the EMS section in the hub
Dashboard = {
CCTV = false, -- CCTV in Map
Bodycams = true, -- Bodycam Button
Bolo = false, -- BOLO Page
Units = true, -- Units In UI Map
Archives = true, -- Archive Page
Chat = true, -- Chat Page
Jobs = { -- Jobs accessible within the EMS hub
['ambulance'] = Lang('EMS_Section'), -- EMS ambulance section job
Last updated